Technology Services

We provide numerous technology services for your business or organization needs. We provide consulting services on..

  • Cloud technologies
    • If you are hosting your servers at a data center and are looking to transition to a Cloud environment, we have experience with migrations to Amazon Cloud (AWS), Microsoft Cloud (Azure), Google Cloud, IBM Cloud etc.
  • Security Services
    • Have you been hacked or the target of a rasomware attack? We can provide assistance on how to recover from attacks and/or how to harden your environment to prevent such attacks from happening to your business or organization or website.
  • AI Services
    • You’ve all heard about ChatGPT and Bard and the proliferation of AI services lately. We can provide guidance and services around using AI services to enhance your business or personal needs.
  • Data Science and Analysis Services
    • Data about your business or organization or even personal data about you and your family/home etc is the new digital currency. Everything you do online is now tracked by someone, somewhere. We can provide guidance on data privacy and data security and how you can use a lot of your customer data to help enhance your service offerings.